For establishing Community Radio Station (CRS), BECIL provides entire range of consultancy services starting from the initial stage of helping in the filling the application to the completion of the project to the full satisfaction of the clients. Broadly the services to be provided by BECIL are as follows:

A. Services during project conceptualization:

  • Preparation of conceptual project report covering the preliminary design of the Project.
  • Finalisation of equipment complement and Drawing of specifications.

B. Services during project Implementation:

  • Selection of site / building & making it suitable for the project.
  • SACFA clearance
    • Procurement of equipment including drawing of specification of
    • Transmitter equipment
    • Speech input equipment
    • Antenna
    • Tower
    • Feeder cable
    • Studio equipment
    • Power supply equipment
    • Ventilation equipment
  • Installation of various studio and transmitter equipment.
  • Testing, Integration and Commissioning.
  • Handling over and advice on maintenance.
  • Training of staff

Becil also has inhouse developed FM Transmitter and antenna system for Community Radio Stations and undertakes turnkey setup of the studio facilities as well as transmitter facilities including supply and errection of tower.

C. Scope and Professional charges for Technical Audit of the Community Radio Station:

  • BECIL has been requested by number of Community Radio Stations which are not operating with prescribed performance for the technical quality. This degradation in technical performance has resulted in adverse impact on the coverage area. The community radio operators also have been found to be in need of professional technical assistance for day to day technical operations and maintenance of the facility. Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited a Public Sector Enterprise under Ministry of Information & Broadcasting has carried out pioneering work in setting up of community radio centres across the country. BECIL also has in-house transmitter and antenna system customized for community radio operators. BECIL can provide its expert services for conduct of technical audit of the community radio facility. The technical audit shall include detailed performance measurements (as per attached format) which shall be the basis for diagnosis as well as for the required corrective action. The technical audit of community radio facility shall take about one to two days and BECIL provides this service for a fee of Rs. 20,000/-. Service tax as applicable shall be payable extra. The expenditure towards travel and lodging shall be reimbursable on actual basis. A detailed report based on the technical audit shall be prepared giving the operations, performance measurements, faults details, areas of concern as well as the action required to be taken for bringing the performance of the community radio facilities to the prescribed standards.
  • D. Training of Community Radio Technology.